How Sound Healing works

Sound healing is based on the concept of resonance – the vibratory frequency of an object – and as all within this universe contains an energetic field with different degrees of vibration, from the most subtle to the most dense, the entire universe is in a state of vibration. So every organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid of the human body, and the electromagnetic fields surrounding it, vibrate at a healthy frequency of 432 Hz, the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature.
The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance, the vibratory frequency of an object.
All within this universe contains an energetic field with different degrees of vibration, from the most subtle to the most dense.
The entire universe is in a state of vibration. This includes human beings.
Every organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid of the body, and the electromagnetic fields which surround the body, has a healthy vibratory frequency of 432 Hz, the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature.
Sound travels about 4 times faster through water than it does through air and our bodies consist of 70 – 80 % water, which is an excellent conductor for sound.
When bathed in sound, different areas of the body respond to the sounds made, by locking in or “entraining” to the sound and beginning to vibrate at the same frequencies, thus bringing harmony and healing. Every part of the body has its own resonant frequency.
Example: Compare an entire orchestra with your entire internal body, so if one violin is not tuned this frequency will affect the entire orchestral performance.
Sound also works on the subtle or energetic body that surrounds the physical body, which is where imbalance and dis-ease manifest first, before appearing in the physical dimension.
If we are not resonating with some parts of ourselves or our surroundings, we become dissonant and therefore unhealthy, as our natural healthy frequency becomes a frequency that vibrates without harmony, creating illness.
If there is an imbalance or stagnation (blocked energy) anywhere, healing sounds will stimulate the body cells to vibrate in harmony and literally tune them up. Clear energy blockages and thus prevents illness and disease before it reaches 3D reality.

ENTRAINMENT – The bio-neural method uses 2 frequencies with a maximum difference of 20 Hz between them. When each emisphere (side) of the brain listens to the 2 different frequencies, in the mid-brain the two-tone effect is perceived as one tone.
Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment (or biomusicology = the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm), by providing a stable frequency, synchronizing our fluctuating brainwaves, making it easier to attune.
note: We, humans, can not hear less than 20 Hz.
The bio-neural method is to use 2 frequencies with a maximum difference of 20 Hz between them. When each emisphere (side) of the brain listens to the 2 different frequencies, in the mid-brain the two-tone effect is actually perceived as one tone.
Multineural is a similar methode, but then with three-tone effect, bringing together the frequencies of each ear.
By using frequency according to the bio-neural method, we can entrain our brainwaves making it possible to down-shift our normal beta state (14 Hz to 20 Hz = normal waking consciousness) to alpha state (13 Hz to 08 Hz = relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta state (07 hz to 04 Hz = meditative state) and delta state (3 Hz to 5 Hz = deepest sleep; where the mind and body regenerate completely within minutes while internal self healing can occur). Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to.
Complex tones of various instruments, objects or human voices, can deeply penetrate both body and mind, to touch fundamental parts of ourselves.
As our cells communicate using electromagnetic frequencies, our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions using frequency waves, we couldn’t exist for more than a second without them.
Each molecule, each cell, tissue, consists in an 8 tone scale which produces an overtone-rich, soft and warm sound with a precious therapeutic value.
Sound Healing has definitely revived, as we are starting to recall the ancient wisdom of our ancestors in the use of the sacred old instruments while today’s scientists and physicists continue to find evidence that support the belief in the healing power of sound.