**** Organic Live Music and Sound Healing Experience ****
– for groups only –

Using harmonic sounds can promote mental health and balance, music based on 432 Hz will transmit beneficial healing energy, being a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
Sound is a nutrient for the nervous system and the primary function of the ear is to feed the neocortex, part of the brain of mammals and the top layer of the cerebral hemispheres.
Using harmonic sounds can promote mental health and balance, improving all kinds of mental faculties and effectively regenerating cells. Muscles and connective tissues are gaining a deep level of relaxation as well during the sound session.
Music based on 432 Hz will transmit beneficial healing energy, being a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. Being in disharmony with nature’s natural resonance, can cause stress, negative behaviors, unstable emotions and disease, or illness.
Live Music and Sound Healing sessions are all about Resonance, Harmonic Vibrations and Inspiring music. A representation of how sound healing works and a immersive live meditation music experience, with soothing and relaxing, healing music, sacred frequencies and vibrational sounds.
During the session Deva will be creating relaxing wellness music using a loop station for a complete live music, or full band sensation. He will play live music in the moment, combined with harmonic healing sound frequencies from gongs, gong plates, crystals bowls, Tibetan bells, chimes, glass xylophone etc.
The session can be individualized according to your special needs and goals.
- Especially designed for yoga sessions, spiritual concerts and/or special events.
Which, and how many, instruments, on consultation.
Available instruments: 15 wooden bamboo & clay flutes, 2 shamanic drums, 10 Tibetan bells , 14 gong bells plate, 1 first chakra gong 96 cm, 1 heart gong 152 cm, 4 Crystal bowls, 1 tambura, 1 hand pan (14 notes), Japanese koto, 1 storm sound, oceanic drum, hand harp, Swarmandal, monochord, Shruti, 18 percussion instruments, 5 Ocarina, Guitar, Double- and glass xylophone, Djembe, Darbuka, Pseltry, Anantar, Tubulon, Saxophone, 20 sound effects,etc.
- On request the music session can be supplemented with other musicians.
Duration of the session: on consultation !